Criss Cross Game

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  1. Criss Cross Game Rules
  2. Criss Cross Games For Kids

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Juegos de casino gratis maquinas. Criss poker is a variant of Texas Holdem with a few differences that I'll teach you throughout this guide. You need a full deck of cards in order to play Criss Cross poker and it's also best to only play with 5-6 players if possible since you need to use a lot of cards in the deck. The first thing that players in the hand need to do is put their ante into the pot so that there is money in the pot before the hand is dealt.

The main difference between Texas Holdem and Criss Cross poker is that players are dealt five cards face down to begin the hand rather then only two. With everyone receiving five cards in the hand you can see why you need to limit the number of players that play this game. After the dealer is finished dealing everyone in the hand five cards the player to the left of the dealer starts the first round of betting.

Here is where the game gets a little tricky so make sure you're paying attention closely in this section. Once the 1st betting round is over in Criss Cross poker the dealer needs to take five cards face down and make a cross with them. You'll end up having two lines of three cards that make a cross symbol and it's important that you set-up the cards this way or else you won't be able to play the game properly.

Once the dealer is finished making the cross symbol with the community cards he/she needs to flip over one of the cards in the cross except it can't be the middle card. You always need to save the middle card until the very end of the hand and we'll talk about why later on. After the 1st card is flipped over by the dealer in Criss Cross poker there is a round of betting and then the dealer flips over another card. This continues until there is only one player left in the hand or until you've flipped over all of the cards except the middle card.

Once you get to the middle card you flip it over and there is one last betting round that takes place. If there are still multiple players left in the hand then the hand will go down to what's known as the showdown. List of popular gambling games. The middle card in the cross is always a wild card, which means you can use it as a wild card. If you also have the same card in your hand then you can use it as a wild as well, which means if the wild card is an 8, every 8 in the deck is wild for that hand.

Players need to make the best 5-card poker hand using two cards from their hand and three of the community cards. You aren't allowed to choose any of the community cards though. You need to choose between the 3 horizontal cards or the 3 vertical cards. Since the middle card is wild you'll always be able to use the wild so you don't need to worry about not being able to use it.

The hand rankings are the same in Criss Cross poker as they are in other poker games such as Holdem. Make sure you study a hand rankings chart if you've never played poker before or else you'll be completely lost. Criss Cross poker isn't a poker game that you'll find available in any online poker sites or online casinos, but you could play it with your friends if you'd like.

Criss Cross poker is a great poker game because of the fact there is a wild card in every hand for everyone to use. It often means people stick around to the end of the hand to see if the wild card is one of the cards they have in their hand. This ensures that you'll be playing for plenty of huge pots and without question having tons of fun with your buddies. Game roulette online.

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Criss-cross or tate-yoko as it is known to most Japanese junior high students is a simple junior high warm-up game where you can avoid questions or may have to answer depending on if you are in the row or column of the person in the spotlight at that moment.

Basic Info

Time:5 - 10 minutes
Level:Junior high grade 1 - 3
Works with:Dialogue, Q&A, speaking
Class size:Medium to large

You will need:

  • nothing

Lesson Description

  1. Everyone in the class stands up.
  2. You ask a question. Try to ask questions based on grammar the class has done in previous lessons.
  3. Choose someone to answer and if they get it right, the can choose tate or yoko (lengthwise or widthwise). Whichever they choose, everyone in that row or column can sit down and no longer have to answer the questions. Continue until everyone is sitting down.


  • The kids will naturally tend towards saying in Japanese 'tate' or 'yoko' when you ask them which way they want to go. Encourage them to use (as I do) 'This way.' while gesturing which way.
  • Simple questions and answers are ok, but if you have the time, a question with a natural follow-up question is a really nice challenge for more capable students. 'Have you ever been to Disneyland?' 'When did you go?/Which ride did you like?'


Criss Cross Game Rules

  • Start with one row or column standing, everyone else sitting down. Ask questions and only the people standing answer. If they answer correctly, they can sit down. If you started with a row, the last person to answer is where the row turns to a column. (ie. The last person determines the next row or column.) Continue until the time runs out.
  • When you run this game, you are the star of the show. It's nice to focus attention elsewhere, so you can have students become the question askers. Divert questions alternately between you and the JTE (or let students choose who they want to ask).


Criss Cross Games For Kids

Often the last ones left will be in, say, a row but when you ask them they will say tate (lengthwise) meaning they sit down alone and leave the others standing. This is all fine and fun but it means less capable students are left at the end. So let the last kids off with easy questions!

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